A full suite of game solutions for your online multiplayer game.

Take advantage of industry veteran developed in-house tools for game hosting and create meaningful experiences for your players today!

Game Server

A vast selection of AAA bare metal game instances for any game type, combined with a top-notch specialized network built for gaming. Take your gaming online infrastructure to a whole new level of performance with Global Game Servers, your players will thank you.​

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Scale your game servers up and down, size to size, efficiently and worldwide. Make sure you are always on top of your gaming community’s needs and wants, wherever and whenever it may be.​

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DDoS Protection for Games

Tired of malicious attempts to bring your game down? Worry not, Global Game Servers has a solution for you! Our anti-DDoS solution drives those malicious attempts to misery. GGS Anti-DDoS protects your infrastructure at the very edge, in combination with granular filters, it deems the attacks fruitless.​

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Our fully customizable and granular anti-cheat solution is deployed directly on your game servers, allowing for tailored protection rules. We have noticed that annoying cheaters into leaving the game is even better than banning them, read further to know why!​

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Game Management Services

The gaming industry requires immense amounts of know-how and expertise on the technical and networking levels. With a proven track record of over 20 years in game hosting, Global Game Servers is ready to hold your hand through your game’s lifecycle journey. ​

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